Course curriculum

    1. Importance of Degrees in Birth chart by Vijay Chawla - 23rd Feb 2024

    1. Introduction to Nadi & Navamsa by Vijay Chawla -1st March 2024

    1. Lecture 3- 'Utilities' of Navamsa by Vijay Chawla -15th march

    1. Lecture 4- Rasi Tulya Navamsa & Navamsa Tulya Rasi & Beyond- 22nd March

    1. Lecture 5- Dispositors, how they are translated in to event prediction by vijay chawla - 29th march

    1. Analysing Navamsa chart independently & importance of Brighu Bindu including transit on Brighu Bindu.” by vijay chawla -5th april

About this course

  • $400.00
  • 13 lessons
  • 26 hours of video content