Course curriculum

    1. lecture 1

    2. lecture 2

    3. lecture 3

    4. lecture 4

    5. lecture 5 ( 1 )

    6. lecture 5 ( 2 )

    7. lecture 5 ( 3 )

    8. lecture 5 ( 4 )

    9. lecture 6

    10. lecture 7

    11. lecture 8

    1. Venus-Sukra-PaddhatiEng-Rus

    2. Transits of Malefics Saturn in it

    3. D60 and Super Karmic Transits of Malefics over Rahu and Ketu

    4. D60-and-Transits-of-Saturn-over-D60-Gulikaeng

    5. Moon 2nd aspect 32nd year

    6. Mars Paddhathi - D-60-Corrected

    7. rahu in 34th year

About this course

  • $1,000.00
  • 18 lessons
  • 20 hours of video content